An orchid outdoes itself
Many years ago, a Mexican-American neighbor gave me a piece of an orchid she had gathered in a forest on trip back to her home. Since it was already here, mounted on a piece of oak bark, I felt no need to share the California law which prohibits bringing plants into the state. I thought epiphytic (growing on other plants, not in soil) orchids were always tropical, but Rosa assured me that it could grow outside here. And so it has, for more than a dozen years. Because it blooms in late autumn, I always worry that the buds will get too cold, and not open. If we expect an early frost, I have been known to bring the plant inside until it blooms. Then I set it back out again, to enjoy the rest of our yearly 300 frost-free days. It grew slowly. At one point I transplanted it to a larger piece of bark.
For the first time this year, the plant sent up two flower stalks. The 4 buds on the primary stalk swelled and bloomed pretty much on schedule in November but the two buds on the second stalk lagged behind. When the first flowers crumpled, I cut off that stalk. The weather turned colder but I didn’t bring the plant inside—I didn’t really expect more blossoms. The bonus buds finally opened in the early days of December. It felt like a miracle, especially as it coincided with the early Hanukkah this year. The photo below was taken December 17.